Rapper Rick Ross credits his body transformation with learning “balance.”
Ross is probably best known for the tune “B.M.F. (Blowin’ Money Fast),” which has garnered a staggering 30 million-plus views on YouTube alone. But the rapper has also attracted attention for his 100-pound weight loss, which he’s documented on Instagram.
“It’s all about the balance to me,” Ross told ABC News. “I wanted to balance myself but still enjoy the things I love so if I lost weight one year, the next year it wouldn’t be right back on me.”
As the proud owner of 25 Wingstop franchises, Ross still likes to enjoy good food. But he balances it with exercise and healthy snacks.
“I’m almost at two-and-a-half years doing this RossFit [a CrossFit training program that Ross has jokingly coined RossFit],” he said. “And that comes from that balance of still being able to enjoy Wingstop with a couple of wings when I want to, but still four days out of the week, I still go put in 45 minutes at the gym. And that balance is what got me where I’m at and I’m happy and I feel good.”
The 43-year-old rapper who once tipped the scale at 350 pounds, has dropped down to right around 200 pounds after his weight loss in 2014 and has been able to keep the pounds off years later.
(Photo credit: instagram)
Ross discussed his weight loss plan of attack and routine in the new issue of Men’s Health magazine revealing that he’s not only lighter in weight, he feels good about life. “I’m happy,” Ross told the magazine. “I’m still losing weight, and now I’m starting to build hard muscle in places.”
In order to drop the weight, instead of going for a fad diet or cleanse to drop the weight fast, he chose a slower, more lasting route. Besides exercising with friends, and creating a personal version of Cross Fit (a.k.a. “Ross Fit”), which he does four days a week, the Maybach Music Group boss works with a personal chef, and doesn’t deprive himself of guilty pleasures.
These days, Ross is all about portion control. He’s only allowed to indulge in eateries like Wingstop and Checkers one or twice a week, and between the hours of noon and 5 p.m.
“If I quit all the things I loved cold turkey, I knew it would only be so long before I went back to my old ways,” he explained.
He added: “You know, I try to throw in healthy snacks in between the meals. That was really my trick, and slowing down the heavy meals as it got later in the day. So, during the day I get up early. 2 o’clock, I feel I could do what I want, eat what I want. But as it gets 5 o’clock, 6 o’clock, I’m really shutting down for the day. Maybe at 9 or 10, I will eat a salad versus 2 in the morning being in the studio eating steaks, prime rib and everything else. And that’s what I had to change.”
Ross, who opened his first restaurant just five years ago, also offered his best advice to others thinking about getting into the restaurant business.
“When it comes to Wingstop, these first few years, I really took as my learning years,” Ross said. “But I’ve seen so much success. I really, honestly feel my potential with Wingstop is off the charts. Something I realized over time is that regardless of how successful we are, we’ve still got to remain humble. And in remaining humble, you recognize those who help you along the way.”